Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Jefferson police department:
Wednesday, March 31: At 11:02 am a complainant reported paying for items purchased from an individual in Minnesota, but now the subject will not mail him the purchased items. The officer is investigating. At 5:06 pm a complainant reported her son had been assaulted by another student at the Greene County Middle School. The officer is investigating the reported event.
Tuesday, March 30: At 9:51 am staff at Bomgaars reported a returned check on a closed account. The check was for $3,710.31 in merchandise. The officer is investigating. At 1:53 pm a resident reported finding a bag full of quarters at the Jefferson Car Wash. The business owner is watching surveillance video to attempt to identify the person who left the money behind. At 2:10 pm an officer spotted a female in a vehicle whom he knew there was an outstanding arrest warrant. He performed a traffic stop. During the stop the officer learned the female driver and a male passenger had an active no contact in effect between each other. The officer arrested Tanisha Kathleen Rice, 45, of Jamacia and Jason William Sheldahl, 49, of Scranton for violation of a no contact order (simple misdemeanor)*. At 7:40 pm staff at HyVee reported finding a small baggy of suspected marijuana outside on the sidewalk. The officer took possession of the substance for disposal.
Monday, March 29: At 8:07 am a complainant reported possible fraudulent use on his debit card. The officer is investigating. At 11:54 am officers arrested Ryan Joseph Murphy, 40, of Jefferson on Greene County arrest warrants for ongoing criminal conduct and a controlled substance violation. At 3:27 pm an officer responded to a rear end accident in the drive-up lane at A & W Family Restaurant. Candice Kirk of Grand Junction was in the lane operating her 2011 Chevrolet Cruze. Shari Allen of Grand Junction was behind Kirk in her 1999 Honda CRV. The front of Allen’s vehicle struck the rear of Kirk’s vehicle. Very minor damage was reported to each vehicle. At 9:05 pm a complainant reported his home security cameras had captured video of a female on his porch earlier in the day. The female opened an Amazon package that had been delivered. The female did not take any items from the package and left.
Sunday, March 28: At 11:44 am staff at Greene County Medical Center ER requested an officer for a dog bite. The officer learned a dog at a residence in the 500 block of W. State St had btiten a female child in the face, unprovoked. The officer made arrangements for the animal to be taken to the Jefferson Vet Clinic on Monday to be euthanized and taken to Ames ISU vet lab for rabies testing. At 1:05 pm a complainant reported her 10-year-old son was missing from a residence in the 600 block of W. Adams St after he became angry at his mother and ran away. The officer located the juvenile under the overpass bridge and returned him home. The officer was later called back to the residence and learned the juvenile was making threats to harm his mother. The officer took the male to ER to be evaluated by a medical doctor. At 2 pm staff at Sparky’s One Stop reported a female came to the business and left a credit card in a bathroom stall. She advised staff to use the card for whatever they wanted to purchase. The officer identified the female as a local resident and is working to return the card. ***** An arrest warrant was requested after DCI lab test results were received on suspected narcotics located when an officer arrested a male subject 2/22 at Wild Rose Casino. The warrant is for Corey Allen Mutum, 26, of Carroll on a charge of possession of methamphetamine (serious misdemeanor)*.
Saturday, March 27: At 11:57 pm a complainant reported her boyfriend had left the residence with all his depression medications and was possibly depressed and going to harm himself. He advised he was fishing at the river. The officer and deputies checked all river accesses in Greene County and did not locate the subject. A Stop and Check Welfare was put out on NCIC for the subject.
Friday, March 26: At 11:51 am staff at Home State Bank reported a subject had deposited a check for $15,000 and then withdrew $6,000 in cash. The check did not clear the bank. The officer is investigating. At 1:59 pm staff at Greene County Middle School requested an officer at the school to speak with a student and parent. The student had tested positive on a drug test. The officer provided some resources for the parent to attempt to help the child. No criminal charge will be pursued, as the student was not in possession of any narcotics. At 7:41 pm a UPRR employee reported two young females walking on the tracks just east of Cedar St. The officer and a deputy searched the tracks and area, but did not locate the subjects.
Thursday, March 25: At 12:49 pm an officer arrested Brandon Lee Kious, 37, of Jefferson on an outstanding Greene County arrest warrant for possession of controlled substance- second offense.*
Wednesday, March 24: Routine activity reported.
Tuesday, March 23: At 6:43 am an officer investigated a car-deer accident in the 1600 block of N. Elm St. Jessica Wenger of Jefferson was southbound driving her 2011 Chevrolet Tahoe when she struck a deer crossing the road. The vehicle sustained a reported $5,000.00 in damages. At 8:40 am an officer investigated a hit-and-run accident in the 500 block of S. Olive St. A 2005 Mitsubishi Galant owned by Ellen Kelly of Des Moines was legally parked when a northbound vehicle sideswiped it, causing an estimated $3,000 in damage. The officer is working to locate the other vehicle involved. At 1:25 pm a complainant reported that her checks had been stolen in Rockwell City in 2015. Unknown persons attempted to write one of her checks at Sparky’s One Stop on 2/24/21. The check was declined. The officer is investigating. At 5:41 pm a female juvenile reported she was at Washington Park and three female juveniles pull a knife on her. The officer could not locate anyone in the area and is working to identify the others involved.
Monday, March 22: At 11:46 am a Jefferson parent advised an officer that their juvenile daughter had advised then that students at school had told her she was on a “Kill List.” The parent had advised the Greene County Middle School of the event as well. The officer will work with school officials to investigate the reported event. At this time, the officer has no evidence of a credible threat. At 1:16 pm a complainant reported an attempted scam on Facebook. She received a message from a Facebook friend advising they were working with a charity and wanted to know if she was interested in helping out. They advised they were working with “Lions Club International” on a project. They requested personal information from the complainant. At first, she did not find this suspicious since it was a local friend. The complainant ended up calling the friend, who advised it was not she who had contacted her by Facebook, and she was not working with the charity. At 1:07 pm a complainant reported she had been assaulted at a residence in the 800 block of W. Lincoln Way and the subjects would not give her children back to her. The officer brought DHS into the situation and made a safety plan for the children to stay with their mother at another residence. The officer is investigating the reported assault.
Sunday, March 21: At 7:41 am a complainant reported a burglary at a residence in the 400 block of Rushview Drive. He advised in the past few days some cleaning items and $100 in quarters had been taken while he was away from the residence. The officer is investigating. ***** The Greene County sheriff’s office provided Jefferson coverage from 6 pm Sunday to 6 am Monday.
Saturday, March 20: At 7:22 pm a deputy requested assistance from a Jefferson officer in responding to a burglary occurring at 2359 Sherwood Ave in Washington Township. The deputy is investigating the burglary. At 11:40 pm a complainant reported what he thought was harassment by a female posting things about him on social media. The officer explained that that she has a First Amendment right to post what she wishes, as she was not sending it directly to him. He was advised to seek an attorney and start a civil action in the matter. At 12:56 pm staff at Casey’s General Store turned in a wallet that was located at the store. The officer is attempting to contact the owner to return the wallet. At 5:01 pm a complainant advised he had caught a stray dog in the 300 block of E. State St. The officer placed the dog in the animal holding facility. *****The Greene County sheriff’s office provided Jefferson coverage from 6 pm Saturday to 6 am Sunday.
Friday, March 19: At 8:44 am officers went to a residence in the 500 block of N. Olive St and arrested Mark Douglas Haase, 34, of Boone on an outstanding Boone County arrest warrant for parole violation. At 11:34 am staff at Greene County Community Center reported criminal mischief to the Doreen Wilber statue. Unknown subjects had broken off the arrows. The officer is gathering video of the event to develop a suspect in the matter. At 11:43 am a deputy requested assistance from an officer in the 400 block of E. Monroe St. Two subjects had fled from the deputy on foot in the area. The subjects were located in a garage and a female was taken into custody by the deputy. *****The Greene County sheriff’s office provided Jefferson coverage from 6 pm Friday to 6 am Saturday.
Thursday, March 18: At 1:10 pm a landlord reported a former renter had left large amounts of dog waste on his rental property in the 500 block of N. Elm St. The officer is investigating. *****The Greene County sheriff’s office provided coverage from 6 pm Thursday to 6 am Friday.
Wednesday, March 17: At 11:18 am staff at Skeeter Creek Fabricators reported a package stolen from the doorstep. Fed Ex delivered the package, but it was taken before the business could pick it up from the doorway. The value of the contents of the stolen package is $195. The officer is investigating. At 2:21 pm staff at Hy-Vee requested an officer as they had caught a shoplifter. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Danielle Lynn Schofield, 34, of Carroll for theft- fifth degree. She was caught with $42.14 in groceries in her purse.
Tuesday, March 16: At 10:13 am Jefferson officers assisted the Greene County sheriff’s office with the execution of a narcotics search warrant at 205 N. Locust St in Jefferson. At 11:20 am Jefferson officers assisted the Greene County sheriff’s office with the execution of a narcotics search warrant at 204 N. Maple St in Jefferson. At 2:53 a complainant reported her two juvenile nieces had received sexually explicit photos through SnapChat. She advised the male subject claimed to live in Jefferson. The officer is investigating.
Monday, March 15: Officers issued 31 citations for snow parking ordinance violations.
Sunday, March 14: At 12:18 am staff at Wild Rose Casino requested an officer for a reported intoxicated male, who was refusing to leave when asked to do so. The officer arrived and learned the male’s friends had removed him from the business and were taking him home. At 12:31 pm a PAWS volunteer requested a welfare check on a dog. The officer arrived at the address provided, but no dog was located there. At 11:08 pm staff at Greene County Medical Center reported a male patient who was involved in a court-ordered committal had walked away from ER. The officer located the subject and returned him to ER, per court order.
Saturday, March 13: At 3:48 am a complainant reported a possible sex assault had occurred at in Jefferson involving her juvenile granddaughter. The officer is investigating. At 6:32 am a complainant reported the theft of a mobile phone from a residence in the 200 block of N. Locust St. The officer is investigating. At 9:13 am staff at Dollar General reported a theft at the store. The officer was shown video of the theft. The business did not wish to pursue a criminal charge, but wanted the female subject trespassed from the business. At 10:34 pm a complainant requested an officer at a residence in the 1600 block of Westwood Dr for an unwanted male outside the residence attempting to leave with her juvenile daughter. The officer was assisted by an Iowa State Trooper at the residence. The officer’s investigation led to the arrest of Edward Lee Goff Jr, 19, of Jefferson for criminal mischief- third degree (aggravated misdemeanor) and trespass causing damage more than $300 (serious misdemeanor)*. Goff was taken to ER for minor injuries before being taken to jail. A window was broken out during the event, with estimates of $1,000 to repair.
Friday, March 12: At 7:40 am staff at Wild Rose Casino reported an abandoned bicycle there. The bike was placed in Impound. At 9:37 am a complainant reported criminal mischief to a window at a residence in the 500 block of N. Olive St.
Thursday, March 11: At 11:51 am a complainant reported a lost/stolen wallet.
Wednesday, March 10: At 2:23 pm a complainant spoke to an officer about a neighbor’s property in the 700 block of W. Sunset Rd. She advised the dumpster is always full and debris blows from the dumpster all over the neighborhood. The officers spoke to the neighbor about the issues, along with the condition of the property. The officer will forward the issue to the city code enforcement officer. ***** An officer is sending charges to juvenile court for two 13-year-old Jefferson females. The charges stem from an investigation at Dollar General which began on 02/25. The business reported the juveniles had sprayed baby powder all over the aisle. Both have been charged with criminal mischief- fifth degree (simple misdemeanor)*.
Tuesday, March 9: At 12:17 pm a complainant reported a young girl who appeared to be alone and unsupervised in the parking lot in the 200 block of N. Elm St. The officer located the child and figured out she lived in the area. The officer returned the child to a parent, who advised she had snuck out of the house. At 6:28 pm a complainant reported a vehicle stuck in the mud near the brush pile dump site at Daubendiek Park. The officer located the vehicle and spoke to the young driver. He advised he drove down and was fishing in the river. His truck sank in the mud as he attempted to leave the area. The officer checked the area and found no purposeful damage in the area and sent the male on his way.
Monday, March 8: At 8:30 am an officer was advised by the Greene County High School staff of students caught with vaping products. The officer issued Afton Funcke of Jamaica, Cameron Miller of Jefferson, and Lucy Dudley of Jefferson citations for minor using vaping product.
Sunday, March 7: At 11:36 am officers checked a residence in the 400 block of W Russell St after a 911 hang up call from the residence. The occupant advised all was fine and she had accidentally dialed 911. At 11:52 am officers checked with a resident in the 700 block of N. Chestnut St after an open line 911 call from the residence. The officer learned it was a phone issue and all was fine. At 2:25 pm a complainant reported a subjects on a side-by-side ATV driving on the bike trail in the 500 block of E. Garfield St. The officer located the subject and spoke to him about the issue.
Saturday, March 6: At 10:10 am a complainant reported three dead hogs he located in a melting snow pile near Sparky’s One Stop. The officer spoke with Sparky’s about removing the animals, since they were discarded on their property. At 6:57 pm an officer was requested at Wild Rose Casino after casino staff determined a patron had signed a self-exclusion form to remove his ability to gamble in Iowa. The officer issued Dickson Morris of Grimes a citation for trespass (simple misdemeanor)*.
Thursday, March 4: Routine activity reported.
Wednesday, March 3: At 9:51 am an officer was contacted by staff at Greene County High School. Three students had been found with vaping products. The officer is investigating.
Tuesday, March 2: At 9:08 am staff at the Greene County Medical Center emergency room reported a male subject had come in on 3/01, with a dog bite. The officer is working to locate the male, but believes he is homeless. An investigation has begun.
Monday, March 1: At 9:31 am staff at the Greene County Medical Center emergency room contacted an officer about a dog bite which had occurred on 02/26. The officer is investigating the reported event.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.